Threads 58: Using colour in basketry

Back in Threads 18, we described a perfect wastepaper basket made of cardboard. This time, we describe a wastebasket made of conventional basket-making materials, with a focus on colour. 


I wove this colourful waste paper basket to demonstrate different colour ideas. The base of the basket starts with a conventional, natural colour round reed.


For the first row of colour (lower blue), I used two different coloured weavers with one weaver chasing the other. l also used one flat read and one round reed. The ‘blocks‘ of colour can be changed by cutting off the weavers and changing their position.


The second row of colour (green/yellow), I used two different colours and the pairing technique.


On the third row of weaving (red/blue), I used two different coloured flat reeds and I chased the two weavers.


For the fourth row of weaving (top row), there are two pairs of weavers in different colours. They are woven in pairs, termed the pairing technique.


For the border at the top, I inserted a red bye-stake beside each upright stake. The border is a simple behind-in-front-behind border.


Threads 59: Dyes for basketry materials


Threads 57: Nine Grapevine Trees