Threads 96: Summertime ideas for making unusual baskets sitting by the lake
size 4 x2 ins
The mouse on the left-hand side was made with rush, the mouse on the other side was made with painted watercolour paper, and then cut into strips.
I first learnt how to make a woven mouse at a basketry conference we had in Toronto in 1993. Frank Watson came all the way from Barbados, I don’t remember how we found him, but we all loved making his mouse. In Barbados, he taught people to make his mouse on the beach and I believe somebody in our group has met him and was our contact.
He brought pandanus leaves with him, but since then we have used fine rashes or cattail leaves. You can make the mouse with fresh leaves but it will shrink and become loose. If you dry the material first and then wrap it in a wet bath towel overnight it will become nice and flyable. Alternatively, you can use a watercolour paper, paint it lovely colours, and then cut it into quarter inch strips. Both examples are shown above.
Before starting the mouse, it is useful to understand the principles of plaiting. The outside weavers cross over the centre and reach to the opposite side on each move. You can count the number of strokes in the diagram and make sure the correct number, (i.e. for each side) are on each side. Secondly the legs and tail are twisted together using the cordage method. Here both pieces are twisted separately to the right, and then together to the left. While weaving the mouse try and keep the plaiting tight and even.
TO PREPARE 4 long strips 1/4" x 36" (these will be folded)
Fold as in diagram
lnsert the second weaver
Complete the next few strokes
Then repeat for the second ear.
Weave ears together,see diagram 5
TURN MOUSE OVER, weave second layer from the tummy.
Continue to weave tummy ,see diagram 7A TURN MOUSE OVER AGAIN, weave second layer to form back 7B.
Continue to weave back sec diagram 8
Using the first 2 weavers on each side, twist together (as cordage) weave on 2 more rows and then twist the other set of legs.
Fit the mouse together and using a crochet hook pull the legs through in the appropriate places and tie the two ends togelher with a square knot. Trim the ends. Attach a piece of mate1ial to the backside of the mouse and twist the ends together to make the tail.
This article 1st appeared in the basketry express in the fall 1993.