Threads 22: Willow Fences

Recently, I had to buy a new furnace, and decided gas was a good decision. The only problem was where to put the ugly gas tanks?

Rules prevented hiding it in the bushes, so I decided I would have to hide it behind a willow fence. Then, during the summer I would grow sweet peas or morning glories up the fence!

Luckily I had a large golden willow bush that provided me with excellent material, and was perfect for the fence.

It is important to have good long strong stakes to start with and then a good supply of finer weavers. Not having enough to weave a solid fence, I had to fill in the gaps with decorative crosses.

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I have used woven fences in all sorts of places, small ones to protect the garden beds, and larger ones to support peas and cucumbers.

Other materials can be used, any first year shoots for the stakes, and long pieces of grapevine make good weavers.

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Threads 23: Sweet Grass


Threads 21: The Egg Basket