Threads 24: A newspaper basket

I have been intrigued with newspaper baskets ever since I saw a beautiful one from ‘100 villages’ in 2016 [see photos]. I always wanted one for my museum. Unfortunately I never managed to get to a store. Now, sadly, they have all been closed

This is the basket I saw on a train in 2016. It was beautifully made with decorations on the side.

Threads 24 IMAGE- 1.jpg

Undaunted, I decided to make one. After all the techniques are basketry techniques, and rolling up newspapers seemed quite an easy job. Well it isn’t!  I found it very difficult to make long thin pieces and I wonder if anybody else has tried. 


My first effort was a round basket, simple techniques,but it was not very satisfactory, and the handle, a disaster. This is my second attempt. Using a rectangular bass, weaving up the sides, and using strong  linen tape for handles. It is reasonably strong and practical.


Using newspapers seems like a very environmentally friendly material. Specially  good for children. I wonder if anyone else has been inspired to try?


Here is a challenge for all your spare time during this lockdown period! 


Threads 25: How to collect Porcupine quills


Threads 23: Sweet Grass