Threads 100: Memories, people, baskets
This issue is very late in coming. I have had a trip back to memory lane visiting my old home in Devon, England.
It has been wonderful to hear from so many readers of threads. Memories of workshops across the country, summer schools and basketry from the 80s! I am so happy to be turning the torch over to new basket, makers, and teachers and enthusiasts.
Every few issues we will share some of these stories and photos. In this issue, I’m sharing messages from:
Tom& Gloria Shoebride are long time members of MERA and Gloria attended one of my first workshops at the school house.
Geoff Carter and Jenny Sutton, who visited me 5 years
Michael Peterson, a longtime friend and basket maker.
Tom & Gloria Shoebridge
It is wonderful that you share your passion for and knowledge of baskets.
Here is Gloria’s garlic basket, which we use daily.
Geoff Carter and Jenny Sutton
I've been loving these emails for a long time. I am now living in Saskatchewan teaching grade 6. I teach a unit about basketry every year and my students make a soap trivet from one of your emails.
I will always remember my visit to McDonalds Corners in 2019!
Hope you are well.
From Michael Peterson
Hi Ankaret
Here’s what I’m doing . . . Making lots of baskets, studio tours, workshops, etc. You started me off on this fabulous journey and I have had the pleasure of working with many basket makers. Edith Clayton and Ray Sark were early mentors after my first courses with you. Every show and studio tour I go to I meet someone who knows you. Everyone.
Thank you for your encouragement.