Threads 48: Basketry 201 - Using grapevine and the random technique
Grapevine and the random technique can be used for a few different ideas. From making flat round baskets to hanging baskets and sculptural forms.
To make sculptural forms, I use a long fairly heavy piece of grapevine and twist it into various shapes to find my inspiration. Each piece is different, some have attached branches which can be used and some have a very thick heavy end. For the bird, I managed to find a piece with a head at one end and worked it round and round to find the tail. Then I started to fill in the space with a long finer piece of grapevine, gradually filling in the body area.
Hanging Basket
The hanging basket started with a circle, followed by making a D shape and attaching it onto the circle with twist ties. Using the random weaving the D shape can be secured and then the twist ties removed. It can be used to hold papers or mail,or to hold a dried flower arrangement in the winter.
Flat Tray
This basket started as a flat tray to hold fruit on the table, I just used the long grapevine to make the shape, and then started to fill it in. When I had finished I realized I could have made a fish as I had left a piece or grapevine uncut. All I needed to do was to give the fish an eye!