Threads 17: Yet another use for willow rods; a mosaic table top

This project is hardly a basketry project, but who else would have a collection of nice little sticks? It is also a perfect use for all the little pieces you trimmed off your willow basket, and the extra stakes or weavers you soaked up a couple of times and didn’t use.

To make a mosaic table top

I used a bamboo table top which had worn out. Any wooden surface will do, but you do need a frame around the edge.

The next step is to plan a design, geometric designs are obviously the easiest. Draw the design on the table top with a black marker.

Tools and materials you need:

Electric drill and 1/32” (0.8 mm) drill bit

Small hammer

Nail punch


1” panelling nails

Lots of willow pieces

Choose a section in the centre to start, cut the lengths of willow to fit the shape, and then drill a hole at either end of the willow pieces. If you nail too close to the end of the end of the piece it can split the wood. Once you have assembled the first area, start nailing the pieces in place at a 45 angle to each other.Use the nail punch if you cannot get the nail in straight.

It is slow work!

If you plan to use the table every day like I do, you can buy a piece of heavy glass to cover your willow pieces. I did not do this at first, but noticed that the bark was starting to rub off.

Another idea is to use pieces of coloured willow in your design. 

Thanks to Jule Koch for giving me this idea so many years ago.


Threads 18: A Perfect Wastepaper Basket


Threads 16: Basketry Tools Made of Bone